"Y u so slow?"
"Can't u b faster?"
"Wait for u waste time only."
Is it all those sentences so familiar?Have u spoke before?Or have u heared from yr close friend,relative, or even yr love one said?What will the place is?Who is take part?When the science be?
For me, all these sentences are shout to 2 kind of people.First one,the old people;second, the small children.Why?How?.........
x x x x x
(son and father.)
A: "Y r u so slow?"
B: "I can't see the road clearly."
A: "Every time need to wait for u!"
B: "If u rushing for time,u just leave me."
A: "U know i rushing time,still talk so much n move so slow."
B:(Don't u remember the time,i always wait for u when u still a little boy?)
x x x x x
(father with son.)
A:"Can u b faster!"
C:"I already walk very fast."
A:"Every time because of waiting u,I'm late."
C:"Then i run,o.k?"
A:"Run?Fall down,bleeding n cry, waste more my time."
C:(U wake up late n wake me late,now u blame me some more,not fair.)
x x x x x
How u think about these 2 conversation?Whose is the person who actually need to be responsible?A? B? or C?Answer: A,right?
Old people n small child actually are same.Why i say like that?
Have u notice?when people get old,they will think, act, eat n even behave like a child. They will think that them self are useless to u,because u no need them as when u r small. Their reaction is slow, because of brain functioning slow.They eat slow,because their teeth are getting less.They will showing temper to u,if u don't agree with them.
Just like a small child.They think of them are useless,because they still need yr help.Their reaction is slow, because of brain functioning slow. They eat slow, because their teeth are less. They will cry,when u stop them doing their favourite thing.
So conclution.Act,think,eat n behave as a child, when the situation is needed.Please also b happy n enjoy the moment with children n olders.