
Been "WASH!!""

Yesterday, actually time past very fast.Things go fine n smoothly until the clock show 6.....

My boss came back, asking me so much questions.U know lah,my processing always slow,need longer time to output.So with m boss back in tired n bad mood,i get "WASH" badly.
From top to toes, inside also.....

My boss complaine about my slow processing n the uncomplete output.Actually for me is,i didn't have the complete data to input for my processing. I told my boss, but he said that is an excuse, not accepted reason. For what i remember the talk start:

Boss : y i ask u to send me the detail at morning,u delay until i call u at 11a.m. first,then u give me?
Ah 4 : i start at 9, double check all the detail, get the comfirm data, n just want to send, u alrdy called.
Boss : didn't i told u to find it early?
Ah 4 : i did. i keep tell u i have some uncomplete data need to check with u.
Boss : U just ask a few time n stop alrdy, i so busy how i remember to check with u?
Ah 4 : Every time i ask,u said put a side first,let u free then u go tru with me.
Boss : So u need to non stop keep asking me,lah!
Ah 4 : I did, every time end up with complaine me didn't have time for u to relax.
Boss : U know i so busy, my time not fix, so u need to arange yr time to fit me,lah.
Ah 4 : So i didn't always calling u, hope u got more time...
Boss : I need u to call me for checking the time with me, u didn't call. Every me is the 1 who call u.
Ah 4 : How i know what time u free,if i call u in wrong time,u scold me again....
Boss : Don't say that, i always call u back if i free!
Ah 4 : .........................
Boss : u know u only keep look at people bad way,u didn't look at people good place?
Ah 4 :.......................
Boss : keep said my reason is so much, don't u think all the reason i said is correct?
Ah 4 : .......................
Boss : everytime when i correct yr mistake, u sure keep quite or cry only,didn't u feel that is atitude need to change?????
Ah 4 : ......................
Boss : U always complaine about no work to do at office, can't u find by yr own?
Ah 4 : ......................
Boss : U think if i like u sit there wait, the job will come to find me?If like that, why should i keep go meeting people outside?
Ah 4 : ...................
Boss : u think meet them is so easy,r? i like so much,meh? if can,y not i side at office,u go run outside?
Ah 4 : ........................
Boss : I know is difficurt for u without car,but u must try to arrange the time yr self with dad.
Ah 4 : ........................
Boss : U can go back home early when u work is finish n dad is coming to fetch mum.
Ah 4 : ........................
Boss : u b home early,then u got time to do house work,what?Arrange yr time!!!!
Ah 4 : .........................
Boss : I don't want u like mum,always know to complaine n not change,control yr time yr self, b more independent.
Ah 4 : ........................
Boss : I alrdy keep try to change my temper, u please change yr atitude!!!
Ah 4 : ........................
Boss : Please always report to me what r doing whole days!!
Ah 4 : yes.
Boss : I need to know what r u doing start from tommorow.
Ah 4 : o.k.

what will u do if u at this situation? can give me some comment? or try to fill in the blanks that ah 4 need to say?

4 条评论:

美丽心情 说...


琪琪 说...

我真的不晓得要说些什么! 我也不晓得如何帮助你... 当我读完这整篇文章时真的很气!!但我没立刻下评论. 如果当我看完后立刻下的评论会是如下:
#@*%3@3*.... 有没有搞错!真的以为你是老板吗?工作表现好没赞扬,肯定.回报却是一堆莫名其妙的臭骂!! 再说,我本来有一份很满意的工作;虽然薪金不怎么样.是你要求我辞去我的工作来帮你顾店,做文员的工作!如果不满意.我不干!!!! 还有,我是有车驾的!!是你的老爸用了我的车,要不然我也不会沦落到这地步!!!!

你已经作出这样的决定,你就必须承担这后果!!再说这老板不是普通的老板... 他是你的XX, 将来会是你儿子的XX...

好友赠言: "天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心智,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。能忍则不怒,大事化小,小事化了,万事大吉,福气满盈,发怒于人于己都不好".

幸福公 主 说...


sleepy turtle 说...

mei lixinqing:
yes, what u say is true.c how i walk,lah.

good comment,i will try it.

talk always will b easy then do,hope i can walk out a way.